Monday, February 19, 2007

Where are you?

I follow, lost here, trying to find the light that calms desperate desire to see again. Treatment to hide what I feel, But the dark does not shelter to me.

I am fed up to have to fight the same with, the same Fed up with being, tired of the lies between the roses, Of the cautious candies that make me fall in thorns.
The moon is consoled with a single gesture of hatred,
That it gives more,
single tends to receive what others do not wish,
Single remembers the pasts without certain future.

The words hit to me in the mind,
But I do not want to listen to them,
Bounce in my mind, How I can remove them?

And I return to cry,
next to my informer,
That pillow that listens to me indifferent,
the overflowed words of the pain that I take inside,
a lost soul, without consolation.

I am locked up in my own destiny,
the ivy poisons little by little the feelings,
All go to the drift, By the same way.

A day I had to accept that
I am not the unique one in the world,
That thought that it was the right,
that it thought that it could be happy,
That the nights in summer do not will be a hell,
Nor the fresh springs were annoyances.

Again I ask myself, To where one went,
the only person in the world that could understand to me,
The one that worthy to accept itself to me as I am.

To where one has left what I had left of life,
To where my went to walk,
that the happiness that she yearned for,
With you they went, and you do not return

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I watch the mirror,
flashings about an hidden truth,
Silence that surrounds
to me in a mystery,
Memories which until
now they remain in the past,
Confused truths,
single lies.
Shades are those that are behind,
Still I do not understand,
why the life betrays to me,
my eyes are closed,
the lie is my word,
the sentence is my eternity.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Fallen Angel

I in vain do not see differences between a sunny spring and one night of summer, between fallen tears and a shout done. I do not see differences between an empty soul and a life without course, between a smile and a dark heart. I do not see them, simply I do not exist.
I look for to you, I do not find you, you are hidden in my feelings, after but that I want to have surrounds you move away to you, single you watch to me, you leave me desert.
Your glance undresses to me of which I have left, your wings wrap to me, take care of to me, but sometimes I feel that they drown to me, you do not let to me escape, you do not let to me breathe.
You astonish me, me saddens, knowledge that every day that happens I am to you losing, that my heart is sung to sleep, does not have consolation. I watch the sky, I remember you, when you seated to my side, you spoke to me of your life, of your longed for secrets but.
When you gathered to me of in the middle of the way, when it encountered, tapeworm your hand friend. Now you you go to me, you leave me empty. You do not have but remedy, my soul relapse.
Single I have to you, in a distant time, a spark of love, that not yet extinguishes its fire.