Wednesday, December 06, 2006


When I watch my around, everything seems impossible. I see mountains so high that, I do not create to reach and a so distant horizon that I do not create to reach. The doubt and the indesición invade my mind, leaving me in target. Memory suddenly the time that happens looking for an exit now and that the encounter, I want to vacillate. Never pense that somebody wanted to me by who I am, reason why in truth I am. I wanted to deny to believe it to me, but now I cannot avoid it, the destiny me throws in pleasant face and hes to know it to me. I do not need more, so single its love is sufficient for my, finally I could find reasons for smyle. If you see this, I love you, dwarf.

1 comment:

Nivreial said...

=D Luv u too, hunny ^_^